Angela White on Bubbaporn
Angela White
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 18
- Date of birth: 04-03-1985
- Nationality Australian
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Angela White is without a doubt the most famous Australian pornstar of all time. Born in Sydney, Angela began doing porn in 2003 while she was still studying at the university. She graduated in Gender Studies in 2011 and for her thesis Angela conducted a research on the porn industry in Australia. To complement her studies she traveled to Paris to study at the Institute of Political Studies and meanwhile becoming known in European porn. Since that moment Angela White's fame has not stopped growing and her powerful personality has permeated not only Australian porn but world porn. In addition Angela has not been satisfied that being in front of the camera in porn, she is also a director and has her own producer. She has also been present in her country's politics as an active defender of sexual freedom and the rights of sex workers. This has made her presence in the media has been constant well conducting interviews, participating in debates or starring in reports. In 2007 she also made her mainstream debut in an Australian comedy series playing the role of an ex-pornstar.
Latest porn videos of Angela White

Angela White
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 18
- Date of birth: 04-03-1985
- Nationality Australian
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Angela White is without a doubt the most famous Australian pornstar of all time. Born in Sydney, Angela began doing porn in 2003 while she was still studying at the university. She graduated in Gender Studies in 2011 and for her thesis Angela conducted a research on the porn industry in Australia. To complement her studies she traveled to Paris to study at the Institute of Political Studies and meanwhile becoming known in European porn. Since that moment Angela White's fame has not stopped growing and her powerful personality has permeated not only Australian porn but world porn. In addition Angela has not been satisfied that being in front of the camera in porn, she is also a director and has her own producer. She has also been present in her country's politics as an active defender of sexual freedom and the rights of sex workers. This has made her presence in the media has been constant well conducting interviews, participating in debates or starring in reports. In 2007 she also made her mainstream debut in an Australian comedy series playing the role of an ex-pornstar.