Cicciolina on Bubbaporn
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 3
- Date of birth: 26-12-1951
- Nationality Hungarian
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Cicciolina marked more than one generation, and it's because she's a very versatile woman in all possible sways. Singer, politician, porn actress... nothing could resist this Hungary woman from birth, but Italian from heart. She developped her carreer in the industry since the early 70's until the first years of the 21st century, but during some periods in a more relaxed way, cause when she was a politician she continued shooting but a lot less. She has the honour of being the first woman who appeared totally naked on the Spanish television, during the New Year's Eve gala of 1985.
Latest porn videos of Cicciolina

- Videos on Bubbaporn: 3
- Date of birth: 26-12-1951
- Nationality Hungarian
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- Facebook: Not available
Cicciolina marked more than one generation, and it's because she's a very versatile woman in all possible sways. Singer, politician, porn actress... nothing could resist this Hungary woman from birth, but Italian from heart. She developped her carreer in the industry since the early 70's until the first years of the 21st century, but during some periods in a more relaxed way, cause when she was a politician she continued shooting but a lot less. She has the honour of being the first woman who appeared totally naked on the Spanish television, during the New Year's Eve gala of 1985.