Delta White on Bubbaporn
Delta White
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 6
- Date of birth: 31-12-1981
- Nationality English
- Twitter:!/Deltawhitexxx
- Facebook:
Not available
Delta White is a pornographic actress born in the United Kingdom, she began her career in 2007, working with the best producers of her country. With her look special, full of tattoos and piercings, operated tits and the indescribable morbid, make of this princess blonde something different for the viewer.
Latest porn videos of Delta White

Delta White
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 6
- Date of birth: 31-12-1981
- Nationality English
- Twitter:!/Deltawhitexxx
- Facebook: Not available
Delta White is a pornographic actress born in the United Kingdom, she began her career in 2007, working with the best producers of her country. With her look special, full of tattoos and piercings, operated tits and the indescribable morbid, make of this princess blonde something different for the viewer.