Fayna Vergara on Bubbaporn
Fayna Vergara
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 2
- Date of birth: 04-03-1985
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter:
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Fayna Vergara was born in 1985 and before she landed in the porn industry, she was just a normal girl, who was studying and worked in night clubs to pay off her studies. Once upon a day she decided to do live striptease and porn shows and in the end she landed in the Spanish porn industry. After going through a few castings and scenes for some producers she landed in CumLouder, where besides shooting porn scenes, she also broadcasts live webcam shows.
Latest porn videos of Fayna Vergara

Fayna Vergara
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 2
- Date of birth: 04-03-1985
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter: Not available
- Facebook: Not available
Fayna Vergara was born in 1985 and before she landed in the porn industry, she was just a normal girl, who was studying and worked in night clubs to pay off her studies. Once upon a day she decided to do live striptease and porn shows and in the end she landed in the Spanish porn industry. After going through a few castings and scenes for some producers she landed in CumLouder, where besides shooting porn scenes, she also broadcasts live webcam shows.