Gina Wild on Bubbaporn
Gina Wild
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 16
- Date of birth: 06-12-1970
- Nationality German
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Gina Wild worked only for a short period in the porn industry, in which she only left a few scenes. Her first scene was an amateur one with her own husband, but later they convinced her to shoot some more. She decided to leave porn because she wanted to become a conventional actress and she got some jobs for several German movies. In 2003, after they discovered her working in a cathouse, she confessed that she is addicted to sex.
Latest porn videos of Gina Wild

Gina Wild
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 16
- Date of birth: 06-12-1970
- Nationality German
- Twitter: Not available
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Gina Wild worked only for a short period in the porn industry, in which she only left a few scenes. Her first scene was an amateur one with her own husband, but later they convinced her to shoot some more. She decided to leave porn because she wanted to become a conventional actress and she got some jobs for several German movies. In 2003, after they discovered her working in a cathouse, she confessed that she is addicted to sex.