Melissa Lauren on Bubbaporn
Melissa Lauren
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 10
- Date of birth: 16-10-1984
- Nationality French
- Twitter:
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No one thought that Melissa Lauren was going to end up in porn, because she stared working as a cooker in an important French restaurant. In 2003, she started to shoot her first scènes after having seen an advertisement in a newspaper and bit by bit she became a very well-known person in French porn. She is also known for never rejecting anything, and during her career she has done all kinds of scenes ( lesbian, sado and BDSM for instance). Beside acting, she has also directed dome movies, and even though she's retired now, she keeps on being remembered in France.
Latest porn videos of Melissa Lauren

Melissa Lauren
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 10
- Date of birth: 16-10-1984
- Nationality French
- Twitter: Not available
- Facebook: Not available
No one thought that Melissa Lauren was going to end up in porn, because she stared working as a cooker in an important French restaurant. In 2003, she started to shoot her first scènes after having seen an advertisement in a newspaper and bit by bit she became a very well-known person in French porn. She is also known for never rejecting anything, and during her career she has done all kinds of scenes ( lesbian, sado and BDSM for instance). Beside acting, she has also directed dome movies, and even though she's retired now, she keeps on being remembered in France.