Puma Swede on Bubbaporn
Puma Swede
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 15
- Date of birth: 13-09-1976
- Nationality Swedish
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Puma Swede was born in Stockolm and worked as a saleswoman before she landed in the x-industry in 2001 by the hand of a photographer. In 2003, she moved to California to start shooting movies. She's very popular due to the sex scandal where she was caught having sex in a helicopter with the pilot. She stands out for her physique and big boobs and was nominated for an AVN Awards in 2009. She's one of the most demanded porn performers for MILF scenes.
Latest porn videos of Puma Swede

Puma Swede
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 15
- Date of birth: 13-09-1976
- Nationality Swedish
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/PumaSwede
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Puma-Swede/1377385455
Puma Swede was born in Stockolm and worked as a saleswoman before she landed in the x-industry in 2001 by the hand of a photographer. In 2003, she moved to California to start shooting movies. She's very popular due to the sex scandal where she was caught having sex in a helicopter with the pilot. She stands out for her physique and big boobs and was nominated for an AVN Awards in 2009. She's one of the most demanded porn performers for MILF scenes.