Sasha Jones on Bubbaporn
Sasha Jones
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 8
- Date of birth: 11-04-1993
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter:!/sashajones_
- Facebook:
Not available
She started in porn in her eighteen birthday. Sasha Jones was born in Barcelona (Spain) and she's very shy. That makes consumers of porn falling in love everytime they see her scenes because her scenes are a mix between innocence and hardcore sex. She speak english fluently and frequently travels abroad.
Latest porn videos of Sasha Jones

Sasha Jones
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 8
- Date of birth: 11-04-1993
- Nationality Spanish
- Twitter:!/sashajones_
- Facebook: Not available
She started in porn in her eighteen birthday. Sasha Jones was born in Barcelona (Spain) and she's very shy. That makes consumers of porn falling in love everytime they see her scenes because her scenes are a mix between innocence and hardcore sex. She speak english fluently and frequently travels abroad.