Saskia Steele on Bubbaporn
Saskia Steele
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 3
- Date of birth: 11-11-1976
- Nationality Dutch
- Twitter:
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Saskia Steele has only worked for three years in the porn industry (2004-2007) but her fans do not forget her. Her scenes are extremely horny due to her bitchy MILF look and her well doing in front of the camera. All that makes her being a very popular actress, specially in Holland, her birth country.
Latest porn videos of Saskia Steele

Saskia Steele
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 3
- Date of birth: 11-11-1976
- Nationality Dutch
- Twitter: Not available
- Facebook: Not available
Saskia Steele has only worked for three years in the porn industry (2004-2007) but her fans do not forget her. Her scenes are extremely horny due to her bitchy MILF look and her well doing in front of the camera. All that makes her being a very popular actress, specially in Holland, her birth country.