Vanessa Blue on Bubbaporn
Vanessa Blue
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 5
- Date of birth: 27-05-1974
- Nationality American
- Twitter:!/Vanessa_Blue
- Facebook:
Not available
Vanessa Blue is an porn actress and director born in California. Her first appearance in the industry for adults was in 1996, shooting a few movies in her first year. In 1997 decided leave the industry for adults to be with her family. It was not until three years later when she returned to acting and directing in the porn industry. Vanessa is one of the afroamerican porn actresses most known, she was married with the porn actor Lexington Steele and is in Hall of Fame for her impressive professional career.
Latest porn videos of Vanessa Blue

Vanessa Blue
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 5
- Date of birth: 27-05-1974
- Nationality American
- Twitter:!/Vanessa_Blue
- Facebook: Not available
Vanessa Blue is an porn actress and director born in California. Her first appearance in the industry for adults was in 1996, shooting a few movies in her first year. In 1997 decided leave the industry for adults to be with her family. It was not until three years later when she returned to acting and directing in the porn industry. Vanessa is one of the afroamerican porn actresses most known, she was married with the porn actor Lexington Steele and is in Hall of Fame for her impressive professional career.