Zara Whites on Bubbaporn
Zara Whites
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 1
- Date of birth: 08-11-1968
- Nationality Dutch
- Twitter:
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Not available
Even though Zara Whites is Dutch, she started her carreer in Italy, as a dancer of a popular TV program in the eighties. Shortly after, she started as a lingerie model for magazines like Penthouse or Playboy. In 1990, she started in porn where she did over 20 movies, both in Europe as in the United States. Since 1992, she has worked in France in some erotical productions, but she never did porn again.
Latest porn videos of Zara Whites

Zara Whites
- Videos on Bubbaporn: 1
- Date of birth: 08-11-1968
- Nationality Dutch
- Twitter: Not available
- Facebook: Not available
Even though Zara Whites is Dutch, she started her carreer in Italy, as a dancer of a popular TV program in the eighties. Shortly after, she started as a lingerie model for magazines like Penthouse or Playboy. In 1990, she started in porn where she did over 20 movies, both in Europe as in the United States. Since 1992, she has worked in France in some erotical productions, but she never did porn again.